
Deep learning detects uncataloged low-frequency earthquakes across regions

Documenting the interplay between slow deformation and seismic ruptures is essential to understand the physics of earthquakes nucleation. However, slow deformation is often difficult to detect and characterize. The most pervasive seismic markers of …

BPMF: A backprojection and matched-filtering workflow for automated earthquake detection and location

We introduce BPMF (backprojection and matched filtering)—a complete and fully automated workflow designed for earthquake detection and location, and distributed in a Python package. This workflow enables the creation of comprehensive earthquake …

A recursive matched-filter to systematically explore a volcanic long-period earthquake swarm

The matched-filter technique is an effective way to detect repeats, or near-repeats, of a seismic source, but prior identification of an event from that source to use as a template is required. We propose a recursive matched-filter approach to …

Illuminating the Pre-, Co-, and Post-Seismic Phases of the 2016 M7.8 Kaikōura Earthquake With 10 Years of Seismicity

The 2016 M7.8 Kaikōura earthquake is one of the most complex earthquakes in recorded history, with significant rupture of at least 21 crustal faults. Using a matched-filter detection routine, precise cross-correlation pick corrections, and accurate …

Systematic Detection of Clustered Seismicity Beneath the Southwestern Alps

We present a new automated earthquake detection and location method based on beamforming (or back projection) and template matching and apply it to study the seismicity of the Southwestern Alps. We use beamforming with prior knowledge of the 3-D …

Characteristic tectonic tremor activity observed over multiple slow slip cycles in the Mexican subduction zone

We develop a single-station tremor spectrum template detection method that we applied to continuous seismic data recorded by the Mexican National Seismological Service broadband stations. This allows for an unprecedented long-term analysis of …

Adapting the matched-filter search to a wide-aperture network: an aftershock sequence and an earthquake swarm in Connecticut

We adapt matched-filter searching to a region of sparse stations and seismicity, and demonstrate that earthquake detection can be significantly enhanced. The Earthscope Transportable Array (TA) increased the density of broadband seismometers in New …

Fast matched-filter (FMF): an efficient seismic matched-filter search for both CPU and GPU architectures

Matched-filter searches are an important tool in modern seismology to detect seismic events. They operate via an algorithm that computes the correlation coefficient between a template event and a sliding window of continuous seismic records. A …

A geodetic matched-filter search for slow slip with application to the Mexico subduction zone

Since the discovery of slow slip events, many methods have been successfully applied to model obvious transient events in geodetic time series, such as the widely used network strain filter. Independent seismological observations of tremors or …

Repeating seismicity in the shallow crust modulated by transient stress perturbations

Recent studies have reported seismic phenomena that are modulated by small stress perturbations ($∼$ 10 kPa), revealing their critically stressed nature. Such observations have been principally limited to plate interfaces with their occurrence linked …