The coupling at the interface between tectonic plates is a key geophysical parameter to capture the frictional locking across plate boundaries and provides a means to estimate where tectonic strain is accumulating through time. Here, we use both …
Geodetic positioning is the geophysical record of reference for slow slip events, but typical daily solutions limit studies of the evolution of slow slip to its long-term dynamics. Accompanying seismic low-frequency earthquakes located precisely in …
Seismic anisotropy in the flat slab region of Mexico is compared with tectonic tremor activity. The anisotropy is observed in three separate horizontal layers using a novel technique with receiver functions. Those layers are identified as the …
To first order, faults are locked while stress builds up to a devastating earthquake. However, we know that faults also slip slowly. After decades of geophysical observation, slow slip is now recognized as part of a continuum of transient deformation …
Slow slip transients on faults can last from seconds to months and stitch together the earthquake cycle. However, no single geophysical instrument is able to observe the full range of slow slip because of bandwidth limitations. Here, we connect …
Small repeating earthquakes are thought to represent rupture of isolated asperities loaded by surrounding creep. The observed scaling between recurrence interval and seismic moment, $T_r$ ~ $M^{1/ 6}$, contrasts with expectation assuming constant …
Capable of reaching similar magnitudes to large megathrust earthquakes [$M_w$ (moment magnitude) $>$ 7], slow slip events play a major role in accommodating tectonic motion on plate boundaries through predominantly aseismic rupture. We demonstrate …
Since the discovery of slow slip events, many methods have been successfully applied to model obvious transient events in geodetic time series, such as the widely used network strain filter. Independent seismological observations of tremors or …
Magmatic intrusions release extensional strain in the Earth's crust upon availability of magma. Intrusions are typically accompanied by earthquake swarms and by surface faulting that is often larger than what is expected from the magnitude of the …