Florent Aden-Antoniow

Florent Aden-Antoniow

R&D Data Scientist

GNS Science

Florent was with our group from February 2019 until November 2021. He is now an R&D Data Scientist at GNS Science in Lower Hutt, New Zealand. He is particularly interested in the detection and location of Earthquakes and their interaction with what we call Slow-Earthquakes. He writes and maintains his own codes to explore and analyze the extensive amount of seismic data that needs to be treated. Florent uses signal processing, statistics and eventually machine learning, sometimes on HPC platform, to build/model seismic catalogs and study seismic-cycles along subduction zones such as New Zealand and Chile.


  • Earthquakes
  • Slow Earthquakes
  • Statistics
  • Machine Learning


  • PhD in Seismology, 2019

    Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

  • MSc in Geophysics, 2015

    Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

  • BSc in Physics, 2012

    Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis
