earthquake triggering

A recursive matched-filter to systematically explore a volcanic long-period earthquake swarm

The matched-filter technique is an effective way to detect repeats, or near-repeats, of a seismic source, but prior identification of an event from that source to use as a template is required. We propose a recursive matched-filter approach to …

Tracking the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Foreshocks Preceding the Mw 6.1 2009 L’Aquila Earthquake

How faulting processes lead to a large earthquake is a fundamental question in seismology. To better constrain this pre-seismic stage, we create a dense seismic catalog via template matching to analyze the precursory phase of the Mw 6.1 L’Aquila …

An adaptable random forest model for the declustering of earthquake catalogs

Earthquake catalogs are essential to analyze the evolution of active fault systems. The background seismicity rate, or rate of earthquakes that are not directly triggered by other earthquakes, directly relates to the stressing rate, a crucial …