
Daily measurement of slow slip from low-frequency earthquakes is consistent with ordinary earthquake scaling

Slow slip transients on faults can last from seconds to months and stitch together the earthquake cycle. However, no single geophysical instrument is able to observe the full range of slow slip because of bandwidth limitations. Here, we connect …

Isolated Triggered Tremor Spots in South America: Southern Chile, Ecuador, and Central Colombia

We report new observations of triggered tectonic tremor in three regions in South America along the plate boundary between the Nazca and South America plates: southern Chile, Ecuador, and central Colombia. In these regions, tremor was observed during …

Characteristic tectonic tremor activity observed over multiple slow slip cycles in the Mexican subduction zone

We develop a single-station tremor spectrum template detection method that we applied to continuous seismic data recorded by the Mexican National Seismological Service broadband stations. This allows for an unprecedented long-term analysis of …

Updip and along-strike aftershock migration model driven by afterslip: application to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki aftershock sequence

We present an analytical model based on the idea that afterslip drives seismicity: aftershocks occur when a given level of afterslip is reached in their vicinity. Afterslip is assumed to be governed by a resisting stress that increases as the …

Revealing the cluster of slow transients behind a large slow slip event

Capable of reaching similar magnitudes to large megathrust earthquakes [Mw (moment magnitude) > 7], slow slip events play a major role in accommodating tectonic motion on plate boundaries through predominantly aseismic rupture. We demonstrate …

A model for migration of aftershocks driven by afterslip

Aftershocks region have been extensively reported to expand logarithmically with time. The associated migration velocity is typically of the order of several km/decade but can be much larger, especially when observing early aftershock sequences, …

Imbricated slip rate processes during slow slip transients imaged by low-frequency earthquakes

Low Frequency Earthquakes (LFEs) often occur in conjunction with transient strain episodes, or Slow Slip Events (SSEs), in subduction zones. Their focal mechanism and location consistent with shear failure on the plate interface argue for a model …

A geodetic matched-filter search for slow slip with application to the Mexico subduction zone

Since the discovery of slow slip events, many methods have been successfully applied to model obvious transient events in geodetic time series, such as the widely used network strain filter. Independent seismological observations of tremors or …

Mapping the rheology of the Central Chile subduction zone with aftershocks

The postseismic deformation following a large (Mw> 7) earthquake is expressed both seismically and aseismically. Recent studies have appealed to a model that suggests that the aseismic slip on the plate interface following the mainshock can be …

Slow slip hidden in the noise: the intermittence of tectonic release

Referred to as slow slip events, the transient aseismic slip that occurs along plate boundaries can be indirectly characterized through colocated seismicity, such as tectonic tremor and low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs). Using the timing of cataloged …